但是 有時候你會來搔那麼一下下 except just a little tiny bit sometimes 如果我的手骨折了 If I break my arm and 七月四日我喜歡你 因為是七月四日 On the Fourth of July I like you because it's the Fourth of July 即使是八月 Even if it was August 即使是十一月底底底底 Even if it was way down at the bottom of November 即使是一月的隨便哪一天 Even if it was no place particular in January 我還是會選擇你 I would go on choosing you 我不知道為什麼 I don't know why 因為 我喜歡你 Because I like you.
今天是情人節 ++要跟大家分享一首非常可愛的小詩
我喜歡你 I Like You
A poem by Sandol Stoddard Warburg
我喜歡你 而且我知道為什麼 I like you and I know why
我喜歡你 因為你是一個好人逗人喜歡 I like you because you are a good person to like
我喜歡你 因為 當我告訴你一件特別的事 I like you because when I tell you something special
你就知道它是特別的 You know it's special
而且 你會記得很久 很久 And you remember it a long long time
你說記得嗎? You say Remember?
你以前告訴過我那件特別的事 When you told me something special
這樣 我們兩個就都記得 And both of us remember
當我認為某一件事重要 When I think something is important
你也會認為它重要 You think it's improtant too
我們有很棒的想法 We have good ideas
當我說好笑的話 When I say something funny
你就笑 You laugh
我覺得自己好笑 你也覺得我是好笑的 I think I'm funny and you think I'm funny too
我喜歡你 因為你知道我哪裡怕癢 I like you because you know where I'm ticklish
你不會來搔我那裡 And you don't tickle me there
"Stop! Stop Stop! Help! Help!"
不過 如果你來搔我 我也知道要搔你哪裡 But if you do then I know where to tickle you too
你很會裝傻 You know how to be silly
所以我喜歡你 That's why I like you
真的 你真是傻瓜一個 Boy are you ever silly
遇見你以前我沒有碰過比我更笨更傻的人 I never met anybody sillier than me till I met you
我喜歡你 因為你知道適可而止 不再裝傻 I like you because you know when it's time to stop being silly
可能是後天 Maybe day after tomorrow
可能永不停止 Maybe never
哇‧‧‧太遲了 Oops too late
已經傻過頭了 It's quarter past silly
我們總是在一起鬼混 We fool around the same way all the time
有時候我們默不作聲 Sometimes we don't say a word
在籬笆下擠來擠去 We snurkle under fences
偷看秘密的地方 We spy secret places
如果我在屋頂上發瘋 If I am a goofus on the roofus
大叫大鬧 Hollering my head off
你也會和我一樣 You are one too
如果 我假裝快要淹死了 If I pretend I am drowning
你就會假裝來救我 You pretend you are saving me
如果 我準備要拍打紙袋 If I am getting ready to pop a paper bag
那你就會預備好要被嚇一跳 Then you are getting ready to jump
那是因為你真的喜歡我 That's because you really like me
你真的喜歡我 對不對 You really like me don't you??
那我也真的喜歡你 And I really like you back
你喜歡我 我喜歡你 And you like me backAnd I like you back
每天 不停的 我們就這樣 喜歡來喜歡去 And that's the way we keep on going everyday
如果你出去旅行那麼我也出去旅行 If you go away then I go away too
要是我留在家 Or if I stay home
你就會寄張卡片給我 You send me a postcard
你不會只是說 You don't just say
再見啦 有空再聯絡 "Well, see you around, some time, bye"
就因為這樣我很喜歡你 I like you a lot because of that
如果我去旅行我也會寄卡片給你 If I go away I send you a postcard too
如果我們一起去旅行 And I like you because if we go away together
如果我們在中央車站 And if we are in Grand Central Station
如果我們失散了你就會大聲呼叫我 And if I get lost then you are the one that is yelling for me
"Hey where are you"
"Here I am"
我喜歡你 因為當我覺得悲傷時 And I like you because when I am feeling sad
你不會老是要讓我立刻高興起來 You don't always cheer me up right away
有時候難過比較好 Sometimes it is better to be sad
You can't stand the others being so googly and gaggly every single minute
你要想事情 You want to think about things
那需要時間 It takes time
我喜歡你 因為 如果我生你的氣 I like you because if I am mad at you
你也生我的氣 Then you are mad at me too
It's awful when the other person isn't
有些人太好了 呵呵 好得讓你想要揍他一拳打在他鼻子上
They are so nice and hoo-hoo you could just about punch them in the nose
我喜歡你 因為 如果我要吐了 你會覺得很難過
I like you because if I think I am going to throw up then you are really sorry
你不會只是假裝忙著東張西望 看鳥啊什麼的
You don't just pretend you are busy looking at the dirdies and all that
你會說 恐怕是吃錯了什麼東西吧 You say maybe it was something you ate
你會說 我也吃錯過東西 You say "the same thing happened to me one time"
而且也是這樣 And the same thing did
如果你找到兩棵幸運草 If you find two four-leaf clovers
你會給我一棵 You give me one
如果我找到四棵幸運草 If I find four
我會給你兩棵 I give you two
如果我們只找到三棵 If we only find three
我們就繼續找下去 We keep on looking
有時 我們運氣好 Sometimes we have good luck
有時 我們不那麼好運 And sometimes don't
而且 如果妳的手也骨折了 If you break your arm too
那麼骨折就好玩了 Then it is fun to have a broken arm
我告訴妳的經驗 I tell you about mine
妳告訴我的經驗 You tell me about yours
我們兩個都覺得很可憐 We are both sorry
我們寫上我們的名字 而且畫圖在上面 We write our names and draw pictures
我們秀給大家看 讓他們都恨不得手臂也骨折
We show every body and they wish they had a broken arm too
我喜歡妳 因為我不知道為什麼 I like you because I don't know why
但是不管發生什麼事只要有妳在 都會比較好 Everything that happens is nicer with you
我記不起來有什麼時候不喜歡妳 I can't remember when I don't like you
如果有,那一定寂寞死了 It must have been lonesome then
我喜歡妳 因為 因為 I like you because because
因為 我忘了我為什麼喜歡妳 because I forget why I like you
但是我是喜歡妳的 理由可多了 But I do So many reasons
七月五日我也喜歡你 On the Fifth of July I like you too
如果我們有個鼓,有幾支喇叭和幾匹馬 If you and I had some drums and some horns and some horses
如果我們有帽子,旗子和救火車 If we had some hats and some flags and some fire-engines
我們就可以有個放假日 We could be a HOLIDAY
我們就可以慶祝啦 We could be a CELEBRATION
我們可以來個大遊行 We could be a WHOLE PARADE
你知道我的意思嗎? See what I mean?
即使是七月的第九百九十九日 Even if it was the nine-hundred-and -ninety- ninth of July
而且你也會選擇我 And you would go on choosing me
再選 再選 還是都一樣 Over and over again
每一次都是這樣 That's how it would happen every time
真的 我想 我不知道我為什麼喜歡你 I guess I don't know why I like you really
為什麼我喜歡你? Why do I like you?
我想 我就是喜歡你 I guess I just like you
我想 我就是喜歡你 I guess I just like you...
4 則留言:
Yes, darling ++
I like you and I know why , ^^V
我喜歡你也很喜歡小黑啦 ^^V
Blacky I like you and your ++ mum.