

果然鼠年鼠事特別多    今晚又看到一則關於袋鼠的新聞

RSPCA launches nationwide hunt for kangaroo basher
ABC - 11/Sep, 08, 2:42 pm

The RSPCA has launched an Australia wide search for a youth who was video taped beating a kangaroo as his friend looks on laughing.

The video was sent to the RSPCA in WA and shows the youth using kickboxing style attacks on the kangaroo.In one scene the man pulls the kangaroo towards him and uses his knee to deliver a blow to the animal's chest.The final punch knocks the kangaroo to the ground where it appears to lie unconscious.

The RSPCA says it is unclear whether the attack resulted in the death of the animal.A spokesman for the RSPCA, Richard Barry, says the organisation has launched a nationwide appeal to catch the men responsible for the footage."We are appealing to every media outlet in Australia to help us track down the cowards behind the vicious attack on this kangaroo," he said."Thankfully this sickening footage has now been removed from the website where it was first seen. 

The next stage is to ensure that those responsible for this film are brought to justice."Only a coward would attack an injured and obviously terrified young animal much smaller than himself. We want these cowards to be caught, charged and prosecuted."We are appealing to every media outlet in Australia to help us track down the culprits and we have also posted a photo of the youth at "www.rspcawa.asn.au" he added.

The RSPCA also welcomes the support of the Western Australia Police in finding the perpetrators of this senseless attack.Anyone with information is asked to call their local RSPCA.

這個傢伙大概是看多了 Boxing Kangaroo    以為每一隻袋鼠都可以打拳擊

事實上這些打拳擊的袋鼠都是有練過的    而且都有訓練師陪伴

最重要的是沒有人是真正以打敗袋鼠為目的    完全只是逗觀眾開心的動物表演

實際上根本不能傷害袋鼠一根寒毛    不然一定吃不完兜著走

  而新聞中白目的傢伙    竟然從野外隨便抓一隻素人袋鼠來PK

不但用跆拳道攻擊它    還用膝蓋頂它的胸及拳擊它的臉

使得可憐的袋鼠倒地不起    目前生死不明    最後還要把影片上傳到網路上供大家觀賞

現在澳洲動物福利機構RSPCA 報警要通緝這個沒有常識虐待動物欺侮弱小的混帳王八蛋


然後把他綁起來    每天派十隻攻擊性超強的袋鼠們輪流把他當沙包來痛揍

然後再把影片上傳在網路上    以牙還牙    大快人心



無獨有偶    台灣人也幹過類似的事    還真是丟臉丟到南半球了

哪門子的為國爭光?  澳留學生捉無尾熊回家丟國人臉!
2008/08/26 18:18 生活中心綜合報導






2 則留言:

小恐龍 提到...

這些爛台灣學生是在哪個城市的阿? Syd? Bne? Mel? or Perth?? 如
了 ...
恥. 更何況,本來澳洲政府就有規定,如果發現無尾熊在任何地方落難,應
該要馬上報警.況且,在highway上的T 壩也有一直宣導告訴大家如果發現
任何動物在Highway請打專線電話報警. 真不知道這群白痴在想啥?

版主 提到...

嗯啊~ 真是夠白目了...要是他們被逮捕上新聞那就更丟台灣人臉了說=.=|||
( 我猜他們大概是英文很不好,屬於文盲留學生那一類的吧...)