


Marine throws himself on exploding grenade 

A ROYAL Marine has told how he threw himself in front of an exploding grenade to save his colleagues and escaped with just a nose bleed.

Lance Corporal Matt Croucher has been recommended for a Victoria Cross,Britain's The Times newspaper reports.

He and three other soldiers were on patrol in southern Afghanistan when Lance Corporal Croucher hit a tripwire attached to the grenade.

The soldier told The Times “I thought, I’ve set this bloody thing off and I’m going to do whatever it takes to protect the others. I’m very tight with the three other guys. There have been a few times when they have saved my bacon. “I knew a grenade like this has a killing circumference of about five metres.So I got down with my back to the grenade and used my body as a shield. It was a case of either having four of us as fatalities or badly wounded, or one.” 

While Lance Corporal Croucher  was thrown into the air, his backpack took the full force of the blast.He suffered a nose bleed and the rest of the patrol had minor cuts and bruises.

“All I could hear was a loud ringing and the faint sound of people shouting, ‘Are you OK? Are you OK?’ Blood was streaming from my nose," the soldier said."It took 30 seconds before I realised I was definitely not dead.” 

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence said it would be months before a decision was made on awarding the Victoria Cross.

"But clearly this guy is very brave. And very, very lucky.”

事情是這樣    二十四歲的Matt Croucher 與他三名戰友今年初在阿富汗作戰時


大家都知道手榴彈拉開安全栓後    在極短的時間內就會爆炸


就在千鈞一髮的時候    他奔向那顆手榴彈    扭曲著身體用盡全身的力量


他心裡想著    與其四個人一起重傷或死亡    不如讓他一個人來犧牲

成功的話    或許可以保住其他三名戰友的性命

手榴彈爆了    奇蹟似的    他身上的設備及防護衣服幫他阻檔了致命的碎片


他本人也被炸上高空    但是最後卻只有輕微的損傷與有點迷失方向


而他則在7月23日被頒與英國最高榮譽之一的英勇勳章 Victoria Cross

在短短幾秒中能當機立斷做出這樣的決定    無疑的需要大智大仁大勇

由於他的善念    使自己與同袍終能得救

如果說真的有幸運這回事    那也是他向命運爭取來的   

今天換作是我    大概只會手足無措不然就是狂念阿彌佗佛

然後在自己的遲疑中被炸得灰飛煙滅    然後佛祖就來接我到西方極樂吧

所以這樣的新聞    除了欽佩感動 還看到人性光輝閃耀的一面

連帶也想到上回川震那位只顧著自己逃命的老師    雖然說一般人皆有父母兒女

會貪生怕死也是人之常情    實在不能也不忍去苛責

但是這樣的 Matt Croucher    卻能讓世人感受到人格的不同高度

英雄一辭    我想他的確是當之無愧!

雖然比起Matt    蝙蝠俠一整個遜掉    不過這爆米花可樂組合還真挺可愛

杯蓋上的蝙蝠在暗處會發光    在黑暗的戲院裡也能看得很清楚哩!


8 則留言:

tsuilichen 提到...

只是凡人一枚 >.<"


版主 提到...

Dear Tiemann ~ 問題是那是一個空曠無屏蔽物的平地,跑又跑不出爆炸範圍

我們都是凡人ㄚ~ 要是人人都是英雄,那蜘蛛人鋼鐵人蝙蝠俠要拍給誰看啊? :P

tsuilichen 提到...

不管不管,我就是會腳底抹油快溜咩,被炸到活該啦 @@


版主 提到...

噗~ 如果是我應該腳軟到跑不動,抱頭趴地上等鼠 or 把握機會打電話回家 Orz...

steph 提到...

哇 好個大仁大勇的英雄
好帥ㄟ 歐巴桑口水留下來當中


版主 提到...

Dear Steph~ 真的是上帝保佑,搞不好連死神都被感動了,所以沒拉他回去交差咧;

英雄拿來當女婿喔? 我會怕怕ㄟ...他們好像視死如歸隨時會為國捐軀的說 :P
天哪~~~我果然只是個凡夫俗子(俗辣) >_<

Ellen 提到...

基本上 我會跟妳一樣~ 抱頭趴地上等鼠
不過 在那一刻 我想我會很希望自己有唸力
讓手榴彈蹦回它來自的地方 ^^

版主 提到...

Dear Ellen ~ 對呀!要是念力有效就好了,買了那麼多次樂透都沒中,真是傷心...